How to be British?

 2011.02.27. 18:31

How to be British?- Be Gentleman!

If someone start to think about the British culture or the behavior, than unwillingly can think about being a gentleman is important for people in UK.

The term of gentleman –according to Wikipedia-  means to a man, who is from a good family and well-educated. The word comes from Latin „gentilis” ( =man) , similar to  the French gentilhomme”, the Spanish „gentilhombre” and the Italian „gentil uomo” or „gentiluomo”. It’s from the Victorian era, but later it became to a politeness for all men, like „Ladies and Gentlemen…”.

But how do they exatly behave? Well, it’s a hard question. We  could say, that they’re too apathetic to the world- but that would not be (the whole) true, because for the first sight he is the one who never inflicts pain. If we want to be exact, we call a man „gentleman”, than he has to be really patient, gentle, merciful, he never speaks about himself, only when someone asks him, he never believe in the gossips, and he always interpret everything for the best. He is never mean, he always has his eyes on his friends (all) and never takes unfair advantages. He submits pain, because you can’t live without it, he doesn’t afraid of death, because it’s  his destiny. So to say in an other word, he is like a knight (I mean the real behavior of the knights).

When Adam delved and Eve span,
Who was then the gentleman?

                              By: John Ball

How do they look(ed) like?

Actually, they wore black suit with tie, closed shoes, also black top hat and with walking stick.

However, it’s a really changeable word nowadays: every women have her own gentleman.


Some voices from „gentleman”:

A boy’s: They are always wearing a suit, they don’t have friends, and they are never smiling. They are always working, they don’t have life. ( ---> he doesn’t love them…)

A girl’s: I would like a gentleman, because I could lead him into a wrong way….they are just too honest.But they are so cool!

Author: Csilla



Címkék: opinion british culture csilla

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ssyregina 2011.03.06. 20:57:29

I think this was a really good entry :) It was really funny and interesting too. Congrats Csilluka ;)

F.Csilla 2011.03.14. 18:22:10

@ssyregina: Thanks :DDDD your's was good too. Don't call me Csilluka! ( pls )

ssyregina 2011.03.26. 10:09:15

@F.Csilla: sorry but it's so cute <3
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