The most interesting professions

 2011.03.08. 07:58

The most interesting professions

-What will you be if you grow up? - Every teacher, parents, classmates ask it. But what do we answer? Very common jobs: lawyer, doctor, engineer, police officer, etc. Many people work for a living only, although a well-chosen job can give you good salary, and fun too. These professions may require some special abilities, but if you have good luck, that can be enough for a contract. Dirty, dangerous, silly jobs are coming.

If you aren’t liable to get seasick, and you like adrenaline and ugly sea creatures, you really should go and hit the waves of the Bering Sea, and try crab fishing. Fishers usually earn $5000 to $25000 for a week, depending on the performance and catch. That’s why sometimes they get no payment, or more money than the usual salary. However, this high salary is combined with high risk of death: the death rate of this job is 30 times larger than the average. You can fall into the sea, or get squeezed by a half-ton fishing cage, for example.

There are other, less dangerous methods to get much money.  If you love chocolate, this job is for you. Chocolate tasters get paid to taste chocolate all the day. What can be better? Their salary is $15000-$45000 per week. However, this job is not so easy as it seems to be. Most of these people go to food science degree, and work hard before they get this job. They also have to eat very healthy things when they don’t eat chocolate, to prevent eating too much carbs, and they need to visit the dentist often.

If you want to choose a crazy but scientific job, try deodorant testing. You will need good sense of smell, love of armpits, and chemistry knowledge.  Stinky, hairy armpits? Rotten armpits? You can just hope if the deodorant works. This job doesn’t pay well, only $55 per hour. But you don’t have to be afraid of long queues at the job interview.

If you dream about a job, where you get money for relaxation on a beach, your dream just came true. Just participate in a survey, hope you are better than the thousands of other participants. If you win, you get one of the best jobs ever: island caretaker. Island caretakers have to know sea-biology, but they can go scuba-diving, swimming, and do other things as they were on holiday. This job came in people’s mind two years ago, when the Queensland government in Australia launched a $1,7 million marketing campaign including the recruitment of a lucky person for 6 months island caretaking. The salary for that job was 150000 Australian dollars (~100000 US dollars).

Author: Miki


Címkék: weird job profession armpit unusual

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F.Csilla 2011.03.14. 18:34:26

deodorant tester xDDD lol, where did you find this? It's hilarious! xDDD

ssyregina 2011.04.25. 11:17:40

I love this blog entry :) I really enjoy to read about crazy jobs :D I would like to be a chocolate taster <3
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