Historical background 

In the second half of the 19th century, a lof of immigrants (mostly Russians, Irishmen and Jews) were come to England, which made the sub-urbans overcrowded in English cities. The worst place from those was the Whitechapel quarter, in the East End, London. The crime and prostitution rate was at really high. Incidents based of racism were part of the average days. In this environment, a cruel and unreasonable serial killer had begun his actions. He is now as known as Jack the Ripper. His alterego is unknown.


Whitechapel crime scenes


The homicides 

There were 11 victims of the „Whitechapel homicides”, but only five of them were killed undeniably by Jack the Ripper. His (he could be woman, but everyone thinks, he was a man, so I’ll use he) victims were the five unlucky woman, who had been mutilated brutally (they are as known as the General Five).

Now, we shall take at a look at the „General Five” murders.

 Mary Ann Nichols’s corpse was found at 31-08-1888, 3:40 AM,Buck’s Row. Her throat was cut from ear-to-ear and her belly was stabbed with a knife too.

Annie Chapman was found at 08-09-1888, 6:00 AM. The 48 year-old prostitute had been killed with the same method, and the killer removed her uterus. Witnesses said, that  they had saw Chapman together with a black-haired man.

Elisabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes were killed at 30-09-1888. Stride’s corpse hadn’t been mutilated, so the crime scene investigators thought that someone had distracted „Jack”.

But the body of Eddowes was brutally mutilated. Her uterus and left kidney was cut out from her body. Some of her clothes lied down at the Goulston street, and above the clothes, there was a strange sing on the wall: „ The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing ”, what can means: „The Jews are the men that will not be blamed for nothing”. The main investigator was afraid from a pogrom, so he ordered to remove that sign.

Mary Jane Kelly’s corpse has been found at 09-11-1888, 10:45 AM. It was a big challenge to analyze her, because Jack did the most cruel homicide here. The corpse hadn’t been got any inner organ, and her heart is vanished.

The letters

Another interesting topic is the question of the letters. There were a lot of letters, but most three most interesting are the letters called: „Dear Boss”,”Saucy Jack”,”From Hell”.

In the first two letter, there are references for the murders, and the nickname „Jack the Ripper” was written first in the „Saucy Jack” letter.

The „from Hell” letter is really different from those ones, especially the handwriting. In the opinion of grapholigists, that letter was written by a more under-cultured man.

Feel the difference: on the left is the „Saucy Jack”, right is the „From Hell” letter.


P.S.: Professedly a journalist called Fred Best wrote the first two letters (and found out this nickname).

 Written by: Andrew


Címkék: the jack ripper

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