
 2011.03.06. 10:20
Taboo (Proto-polynesian tapu forbidden, ritually regulated) is saint or forbidden human activity, habit, what is strong social prohibition or ban; if someone violates a taboo , the society can find fault with it or convict it. The term comes from Tongan word tabu. James Cook took it to England in 1771. In the mentioned cultures the taboo has religious meaning, in other cultures it has other meanings too.
If a habit or activity rates to taboo, it will be not allowed to ply or do. The contravention of prohibitions like this the law to punish may order it, but the contravention of the taboo counts as serious one as a psychological burden.
There are different taboos in every different cultures. There is not any taboo that occurs in every cultures. However, some of them are widespreads (for example: increst and cannibalism are taboo in every cultures).
The taboos may cover on all of the areas of life. They reasons are often in the morality or religion, but many taboos the modern science justified they existence.
There are some related with foods (for example: at Muslim’s pork consumption’s ban or at Jawish the rules of kosher dining). Certain words may be taboo too, for example the pronunciation of God’s name in certain religions (for example Jehova), and each dirty words, although this is marginal case between the taboo and the etiquette. The 19. century taboos (for example nakedness, sexuality, atheism) sweeping him away began with the naturalism.
The family’s debt
A child was born apart from the marriage
The spouse's misstep
The husband's aggressiveness
The husband’s (wife’s) alcoholism
The child's homosexual tendency
One of the family members taking drugs
Serious illness
The child's sexual abuse
Toilet habits
Adult sexual behaviour
Childlike sexual behaviour
Shame events, failure experiences
Political opinions
Fantasies, illusions
Aggressive thoughts, desires
The picture formed about the own body
Good characteristics, successes
Bodily hygiene


Author: Barbi

Címkék: barbi culture society taboo

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ssyregina 2011.03.06. 21:06:18

The entry was really interesting :) However it was a bit too hard to understand, there were many heavy words.

F.Csilla 2011.03.14. 18:20:31

What do you think, these taboos are good or bad? Are they useful in the society or not? ( just to speak about something, it was an interesting topic )
süti beállítások módosítása